Cardano Summit Workshop

Cardano Summit Workshop

Today all participants in Cardano Summit can try StreamCardano without advance registration. Note that our dev keys are normally assigned to the project for debugging purposes. We do not track identities of individual app users, just apps.

Dev key #

For this tutorial we will use this dev key that expires after Cardano Summit 2022:

export STREAMCARDANO_KEY="eyJhbGciOiJQUzUxMiJ9.eyJkYXQiOnsicmF0ZUxpbWl0Q2FwIjoxMjAsInJhdGVMaW1pdEV4cGlyeSI6NjAsInJhdGVMaW1pdFRvdGFsIjoxMDAsInVzZXJBbGxvd2VkUXVlcmllcyI6bnVsbCwidXNlcklkIjoyMTksInVzZXJSb2xlIjoiRGV2IiwidXNlclRva2VuRXhwaXJ5IjoiMjAyMi0xMS0yN1QxMTowMDowMFoifSwiZXhwIjoxNjY5NTQ2ODAwfQ.ae3NNlM3A1OCit6KtGcIEBQ9WQm3ELvRZmKoD-99GDSi_tR7ytEG37U7hDlMj34KZKJHrhZ3ksQxSs8QAhaB5sn1vuFtRAK2X3n75BMIzH8q4up2ojR7CAl0jqWEJbjOyarHNrbzcGgmEo2djLr9CXyFyusIBBkNscxou8GgUv4viHLAdlgWPU-Fu4gI3s4NW5IDzUwAK6yeYNJonmew_xI9K49tOm9kwYgLuQ3KvehVGjJ1Bb6Cuqh63ddCToUy3JyW66fiVesjcihhw_6MtjqRcWtXigcWZtOW6onPQ0psXb0rs48p0IFZQ68VnYTz-6jDSV1zkefY0orPTeJk690ahBQ92pAegYlQDJ9uw4vz2qfIUc-zVCpvcsKdl_YXjCyt4XkjQGAHwgOuNGLKEuFrI-MlygE8Fqho-8_z5PUaod5ki0N31p2lRG-1YqsY1sZ4PZq_LZUEabebqYMW4U6E2zmc7StryXjCWblH9fgn_HY01daDyrf4Ct2RSKcj"

Naturally this key expires after the Summit. Please contact us to get a new one!

We also use beta server:


Alternative servers we have yet:

  • bleeding edge of our team:

  • bleeding edge on Cardano Testnet:


Tutorials #

We follow with the series of recent tutorials in shell and Haskell:

Decentralization plans… #

Decentralization is high on our future agenda, even if we focus on developer experience today.

StreamCardano project plan ends with VM images with AWS, GCP in case you want your “private” StreamCardano. But that is not the end! We plan for multi-region service, and cloud-edge deployment in the future!